How to install CWP ControlWebPanel


CENTOS WEB PANEL Server Install aka ControlWebPanel.

Request CentOS Web Panel Installation HostWebis Here

1. Preparing Server
Let’s install the required packages for CWP installation

yum -y install wget

2. Server Update
Now we need to update your server to the latest version

yum -y update

3. Reboot Server
Reboot your server so that all updates can take effect.


CentOS 6: New Installer with MARIA-DB 10-latest

cd /usr/local/src
sh cwp-latest

CentOS 7: Installer for CentOS 7

cd /usr/local/src
sh cwp-el7-latest

If the URL download link doesn’t work then you can use the following:
CentOS 6:
CentOS 7:

Reboot Server
Reboot your server so that all updates can take effect and CWP gets started.



Available long name arguments
–restart yes (for automatic restart after a successful installation)
–phpfpm [5.3|5.4|5.5|5.6|7.0|7.1|7.2|7.3] (you can use only one)
–softaculous yes (install softaculous – script installer)

Available short name arguments
-r yes (for automatic restart after successful install)
-p [5.3|5.4|5.5|5.6|7.0|7.1|7.2|7.3] (you can use only one)
-s yes (install softaculous – script installer)

Example for centos 7 (you can combine short and long name arguments)

sh cwp-el7-latest -r yes --phpfpm 5.6 --softaculous yes

Any of these additionals can be also installed later from cwp gui.


Log into your CWP server using the link provided by the installer on your server
CentOS WebPanel Admin GUI at http://SERVER-IP:2030/
Username: root
Password: your root password

– Setup nameservers
– Setup shared ip (must be your public IP address)
– Setup at least one hosting package (or edit default package)
– Setup root email
& now you are ready to host domains/websites.

For additional configuration instruction, please check the CWP wiki/documentation website.


CentosWebPanel CWP Installation Instructions

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