How to install cPanel?

cPanel is the number one worldwide choice for a Hosting Control Panel in the web hosting industry, and you can easily install it manually.

What are the requirements to install cPanel?
- OS CentOS 6 or 7, installed on your VPS or Dedicated Server.

How to install cPanel?
1. Login to your VPS/Server via the SSH Client.

2. Copy the following command and paste (right click mouse to paste) within the SSH Console. Then press enter.

cd /home && curl -o latest -L && sh latest

3. The cPanel installation has now started. It can take from 10 to 25 minutes.

4. Once the installation is completed, the console will display a message: the cPanel Installation has been completed.

5. Open https://your-server-IP-here:2087 (WHM)
6. Enter the username root in the username field.
7. Enter your root password in the password field.
8. Click the Login button.

cPanel/WHM Setup Wizard:

Step 1: Read and accept the agreement.

Step 2: Setting up Nameserver & Email:
- Email Address: Enter an email address. You will receive cPanel related alert on your email.
- Nameservers: Enter domain nameserver such as and (Replace with your domain name).

Finally, click the Finish button and you are done!

Congratulations, the cPanel Installation is  now complete, now it is time too compile Easy Apache, change settings, install a firewall, mod security, Auto SSL, WAF and much more.

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